The McAlister
HydroCarbon Splitter™
The patented McAlister HydroCarbon Splitter is a revolutionary technology that uses anaerobic thermal dissociation of organic substances such as Natural Gas and Renewable Methane to separate hydrogen from carbon.
Our Technology Breakthrough Delivers Multiple Revenue Streams

The patented McAlister HydroCarbon Splitter is a revolutionary technology that uses anaerobic thermal dissociation of organic substances such as Renewable Methane (CH4) or Natural Gas to separate Hydrogen and Carbon.
100 lbs of natural gas or renewable methane is sold and delivered by existing pipelines throughout North America by long-term contracts for less than $10. The HydroCarbon Splitter processes 100 lbs of natural gas or methane into 25 lbs of Hydrogen to replace 12 gallons of gasoline and 75 lbs of Durable Carbon, which is worth more than $200.
Sustainable economic development can be achieved by utilizing such Durable Carbon to reinforce equipment to convert solar, wind, moving water, or geothermal energy into hundreds of times more electricity, hydrogen, or heat every year (for decades) compared to burning such carbon in a natural gas-fueled furnace, boiler, gas turbine, piston engine or power plant.
Harvested Carbon Is An Asset
Carbon is captured and transformed into an economic asset (carbon fiber) for manufacturing.
Carbon Is Too Profitable To Burn
Carbon is captured and transformed into an economic asset (carbon fiber) for manufacturing.
McAlister’s hydrogen-carbon production process provides an exponential multiplier of economic and environmental values. As a result, this new technology enables sustainable co-production of low-cost hydrogen and durable carbon.
The carbon can reinforce equipment to convert solar, wind, moving water and geothermal energy into far more electricity, hydrogen and heat compared to burning such carbon one time. Carbon is prevented from forming harmful pollutants by becoming a sustainable energy conversion economic asset.
McAlister’s hydrogen-carbon production process provides an exponential multiplier of economic and environmental values. As a result, this new technology enables sustainable co-production of low-cost hydrogen and durable carbon.
The carbon can reinforce equipment to convert solar, wind, moving water, and geothermal energy into far more electricity, hydrogen, and heat compared to burning such carbon one time. Carbon is prevented from forming harmful pollutants by becoming a sustainable energy conversion economic asset.
Thus less than $1.00 for pipeline delivered methane can enable profitable production of hydrogen and durable carbon for gross income of $8.00 or more.
Hydrogen has long been recognized as a vitally important resource for clean energy. What has not been recognized is the economic opportunity presented by “waste” carbon. Solving mass-scale production of hydrogen from hydro-carbon feedstock requires accounting for both components: hydrogen and carbon.
Economic & Environmental Values
Lower cost, zero-emissions alternative for fuel production and carbon products manufacturing.
The HydroCarbon Splitter™ (HCS) generates two product lines
The Big Idea
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