McAlister Climate Enterprise Network

Community-Based Solutions: EnergyEnvironmentEconomic Development

Profit-motivated defense of the environment

The McAlister Climate Enterprise Network is comprised of the Licensor (McAlister Technologies, LLC), a network of locally-owned Licensee commercial enterprises generically called Hydrogen-Carbon Ventures (HCV), and a set of three ally organizations that resource, train, monitor, and provide quality assurance oversight to the HCVs.

McAlister Technologies, LLC is the Licensor of intellectual property from the McAlister Technology IP Portfolio. IP Repository.


Hydrogen-Carbon Ventures Network is a growing consortium of locally-owned McAlister Technologies-licensed dual factories specializing in HydroCarbon Splitting™ to produce green hydrogen and durable carbon materials.


Metrol Carbon Ventures, Inc. provides brand, quality assurance, safety, and financing support for the HCV network. Benefit Corporation.

Business SUPPORT

The Institute for Sustainable Prosperity provides technical training for licensees, public education, and research on algae biomass paired with the McAlister HydroCarbon Splitter™.


The Hydrogen Association has focused on applied research and practical demonstrations of the benefits of renewable hydrogen since 1964.


Applied Research & Pilot Programs

All members of the McAlister Climate Enterprise Network are dedicated to these ESG principles


Produce clean renewable energy at scale.

Draw down atmospheric CO2 at scale.

Invest harvested carbon into productive durable goods, converting waste into an asset.

Support sustainable infrastructure and economic growth.


Hire and promote management, technical, and support staff of diverse backgrounds and experience (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: DEI).

Foster workforce development and inclusion of women, indigenous people and persons of color through collaborations with educational institutions, especially HBCUs and other schools serving under-resourced communities.

Engage with local communities to foster additional sustainable clean energy and materials enterprises through partnerships, joint ventures, and the like.

Decrease environmental risks to public health.

Focus on communities hit hardest by the impacts of climate change, especially in economically disadvantaged areas.


Maintain a strong commitment to quality, community engagement, environmental health and safety, frequent customer feedback, and stakeholder participation through strong internal and external communication policies and practices.

Practice triple bottom line commitments (People, Planet, Prosperity) to balance social, environmental, and financial interests of stakeholders.

Partner with other commercial, nonprofit, and government agencies to collaborate on increasing the health and safety of the commons.

Hold enterprise leadership accountable to these principles.

The McAlister Climate Enterprise Network
is committed to seeding an abundance of businesses
from the FuSE™ Technology launch pad.

The possibilities are unlimited. For example:

  • Waste-to-energy enterprises partnering with municipal waste systems
  • Innovative carbon products manufacturing in architectural systems
  • New designs for integrated solar and wind collection systems in buildings
  • Breakthroughs in optical systems
  • Nano-sensor arrays
  • …and many more

Metrol Carbon Ventures, Inc. and the network of Hydrogen-Carbon Ventures work
in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The purposes of commercializing McAlister’s innovative technologies include the following:

Accelerate the global transition to clean renewable energy, including commercial-scale production of clean hydrogen as it integrates with solar, wind, geothermal, moving water, ocean thermal, and biowaste/biomass sources.

Stop and reverse global warming by systematic drawdown of atmospheric CO2 overload which acts as a greenhouse gas causing great harm to the planet’s ecosystems and human society.

Transform global waste-carbon greenhouse gases and pollution into beneficial durable carbon products that can have important constructive value to most sectors of national and global economies.

Produce renewable resources for economic growth through their application in physical infrastructure, construction, buildings, agriculture, water and waste processing, manufacturing, communications, transportation, and the production of numerous discrete products.

HydroCarbon Splitting Gives Us the Power to Defend the Earth Profitably

As long as we believe that wealth and environmental health are diametrically opposed, we will continue to contribute to the degradation of the sky, the oceans and rivers, and the earth beneath our feet.

Or we can align with the power of Nature to harvest the bounties of hydrogen and carbon that are continuously produced by all living things.

Hydrogen, when burned, cleans the air.

Carbon, when harvested rather than wasted, becomes a commodity of enormous economic value.

We are committed to reclaiming a healthy commons

Our mission, vision, values, and core competencies prepare us to be successful. They provide a moral compass that guides our business strategy and structure and infuses our corporate culture with a sense of higher purpose.

The call to action for our team and all stakeholders is to transform the current polarization pitting economic growth against environmental protection by achieving both goals simultaneously.

The Renewable Resources Revolution is a new paradigm in which emerging technologies and perspectives allow us to achieve economic-environmental-and-societal sustainability.

“Climate change is the single greatest threat to a sustainable future  but, at the same time, addressing the climate challenge presents a golden opportunity to promote prosperity, security and a brighter future for all.”

Ban Ki-Moon, former Secretary General of the United Nations